The ABC's of Home Inspections


When you are thinking about buying a home, condo or commercial building, you will want an inspection by a qualified and impartial professional, even if it is new construction.

The best time to hire an inspector is right after you’ve made an offer on your new building. As your real estate, we include an inspection clause in the contract, making your purchase obligation contingent upon the findings of a professional inspection. As the buyer, you may hire any inspector you want.

Good home inspectors are super-smart and can read cracks, stains, smells, and paint chips like a super-sleuth. They can detect bugs, water intrusion, fire damage, and structural problems without the use of x-ray vision (though the good ones have tools like thermal imaging cameras that act like x-ray vision). They know infrastructure systems and local/state building codes and are not only looking for problems that occur in all buildings, but look for problems that are unique to California, like earthquake bolting and mold.

A professional inspection is not an appraisal or a Municipal Code inspection. It's not a pass/fail determination, it is just a description of the building's condition and itemization of things that will need repairs or replacement.

Your inspector will perform a visual examination of the building from top to bottom. He or she will evaluate and write a report on the condition of the structure, roof, foundation, drainage, plumbing, heating system, central air-conditioning system, visible insulation, walls, windows, and doors. After the inspection, you will have a much clearer understanding of the property you are about to purchase, and be able to make your decision confidently.

When the inspector finds problems in a building, it does not mean you shouldn’t buy it, only that you will know in advance what type of repairs to anticipate. A seller may be willing to make some significant repairs. That is all in the sale negotiation, and we will help you with that.

Home inspections can be super-helpful as a current homeowner as well. An inspection report can help identify problem areas that you are not aware of or the urgency of a repair that you know about. They also help with insurance rates.

If you have any questions about home inspections, the buying or selling process, or need help with anything real estate, just ask. We're here for you.