How much does it really cost to buy a home?

Large home with for sale sign in front

The cost of buying a home can vary widely and depend on many factors such as location, type of property, size, and age of the property. In general, a home buyer can expect to pay the following costs:

  • Down payment: A down payment is a portion of the home's purchase price that you pay upfront. The average down payment is around 20% of the purchase price, although this can vary depending on the type of loan you get and other factors.

  • Closing costs: Closing costs are fees and charges associated with buying a home that you pay at the time of closing. These can include loan origination fees, appraisal fees, title search fees, and more. Closing costs typically run between 2% and 5% of the purchase price of the home.

  • Property taxes: Property taxes are taxes that you'll need to pay annually based on the assessed value of your home. The amount you'll pay will vary depending on the location of your home.

  • Homeowner's insurance: Homeowner's insurance is insurance coverage for your home, which will protect it in the event of damage or loss. The cost of homeowner's insurance will depend on the type and value of the home, as well as the location.

  • Maintenance and repairs: You'll also need to factor in ongoing costs such as maintenance and repairs to keep your home in good condition.

It's important to remember that these costs are just estimates and the actual cost of buying a home can differ and fluctuate. It's always best to work with a financial advisor and a real estate professional to get a better understanding of the costs associated with buying a home. Let us know if you need help. We're just a phone call away.

.Cecilie Korst////