Honey-Do Lists and Video Chat Home Tours


cab·in fe·ver

  1. irritability, listlessness, and similar symptoms resulting from long confinement or isolation indoors during the winter.

So, we never thought we'd get cabin fever in Los Angeles, but here we are. Thanks, COVID-19, for this extra-special treat.

Surprisingly, there's plenty to do. Our Honey-Do lists are long, so we thought we'd share just a few of our tasks to maybe give you a few ideas.

  • Spruce up the master bath. This includes re-grouting the shower, re-caulking the tub, and repainting. New artwork, too.

  • Deep clean the hardwood floors in the living room. Boy, do they need it, too! We're using a small steamer and cleaner we have that works beautifully. While that's drying, the dog and kids will have to:

  • Go outside and transplant some flowers. We have a bunch of packets of wildflower seeds that have been laying around the garage and some great flowers out front that could be spread into the back yard. 

  • Finish decluttering the garage. This was a New Year's Resolution. It's coming along. Read about that story here.

  • Fix the cabinet hardware. All of our cabinets could use new bumpers, hinge-tightening and a little straightening. Normal use always loosens these up, especially in older homes.

Good luck with your projects and share with us what you're doing on Facebook! https://www.facebook.com/BELLETGRAKAL/

Real Estate Video Chat Tours
On a more serious note, as we all continue to navigate through these unusual and changing times, we want you to know that we are here for you. If you are looking to buy or sell, contact us and we can arrange video chat tour. Video chat tours allow you to tour a home in real-time without stepping foot outside your house. We will talk with you and be your boots on the ground. You’ll have the opportunity to ask the questions see the the home as if you are there in person.